Home Improvement Projects To Undertake Before The Spring Season

As the weather starts to get warm and days become longer, an enchanting aura begins to surround every household. People begin to clean out the clutter, organize their closets and prepare their landscape for the spring season. They also make necessary repairs to prepare the house for the upcoming season.  

Stating the obvious, the repairs become even more crucial if you live in heavy snowfall areas such as Portland, Michigan. Cold winter winds are likely to cause minor property damage. However, snowfall can increase the damage and make it a costly repair.  

That’s why before the spring season begins, you must improve your house’s condition by undertaking the following home improvement projects.


Clean The Gutters And Downspouts

Clogged gutters and downspouts can cause water blockage and plumbing problems. Moreover, it can also invite critters into your home. Therefore, you must remove the debris out of gutters and downspouts. An easy method to know whether the gutters are clogged or not is by using a hose. Fill the gutters and check if the water runs free from downspouts without any trouble. You can also use tools such as a plumber’s snake or drain snake to unclog. It will also help prevent water accumulation at the foundation.


Repair The Roof

Winter storms can cause missing shingles or broken metal pipes. Not only does it affect the curb appeal of the house, but it also affects the insulation and causes leakage issues. According to the Portland roofing contractor, a professional can help evaluate the damage before it gets worse. If it seems necessary, they may also recommend replacing the roof before the spring rain. Likewise, they can provide preventive maintenance tips to minimize the damage during storms and rainfall.


Change The Air Filter

During the winter, HVAC systems are likely to collect the debris. It can affect their efficiency and also cause high utility bills. Therefore, before you begin using the systems, especially AC, clean it properly. Replace the air filters and clean condenser coils.  

Tip: Before you troubleshoot and fix AC, make sure to turn off the AC and furnace breakers. To ensure that the power is off, use a voltage tester.


Check For Wear And Tear Around The Property

The cold weather conditions often affect the property's foundation, siding, and landscape. That’s why it is recommended to inspect the property as soon as the spring begins. Don’t worry; inspecting damage around the property is pretty easy. Just take a walk around the house to look for damaged siding, cracks on the floor or walls, and peeling caulk around the seals.  

If the signs are minor, you can repaint the walls or siding to fix the damage. Otherwise, you should consult the professionals to inspect the area thoroughly and make necessary repairs.


Wrapping It All Up

These are a few home improvement projects that you should do as soon as winter ends. It will ensure that your property is well prepared for the next season. Plus, it will ensure that you and your family live comfortably.