When Should You Take Knee Pain More Seriously

Knee pain can be debilitating in more than one way. Beyond the trauma, it can limit your range of motion and affect your quality of life. Even minor discomfort can quickly turn into major trouble, so you need to take quick action. Ignoring knee problems can have catastrophic consequences as your joints may suffer. The damage can cause problems throughout the body and interfere with daily tasks. It is crucial to get a medical consultation right away in some cases. Here are the situations when you should take knee pain more seriously.

Snap, crackle, or pop sounds

Snapping, crackling, and popping sounds in the knee joint are not uncommon. While they are not an indication of a problem, beware if they are accompanied by pain or swelling. Some of the possible causes are a meniscus tear, cartilage injury, and dislocated kneecap. It may also be an early sign of osteoarthritis, a chronic condition that needs to be addressed earliest. Not getting help can lead to severe trauma and permanent damage to the joint.

Movement in the knee

If you feel movement along with pain in the knee, the problem could be more serious than you think. There is a possibility of small pieces of cartilage becoming loose and floating around in the joint. These pieces have to be removed to prevent further damage to your cartilage. The specialist will recommend arthroscopy, a minimally invasive surgical procedure, to address the problem.

Difficulty while climbing stairs

Difficulty while climbing stairs is another daunting sign you should worry about. People often fail to get help when they come across the problem initially. It could be a warning indication of degenerative joint disease. You must see a knee doctor sooner rather than later. If you fail to get help right away, you will eventually experience pain during walking, standing, sitting, or lying. Getting treatment early can save you from a deteriorating quality of life in the long run.

Rest and painkillers do not help

If knee pain happens without an underlying cause, simple home remedies can help. You can rely on rest, ice packs, hot compresses, and over-the-counter painkillers to get relief in a couple of days. But seeing a doctor is essential if these remedies do not work. It is a sign that there could be a grave problem causing pain and inflammation. A specialist can diagnose it and recommend the right line of treatment.

Sports injury

If you are an active person, there are chances of encountering injuries during workouts and sporting activities. But the last thing you should do is shrug off knee pain from such an injury. It is easy to believe that you will recover without help, but ligament and meniscus tears can lead to bigger problems. See a doctor if you feel ongoing pain even after a minor injury.

Your knees bear the body weight and facilitate movement, so they deserve all the attention you can give. Make sure you never ignore the pain and get help at the earliest to keep your knees at their healthiest best.