How Busy Dads Can Get Back In Shape

The job description that comes with the title dad is extensive, if anything. There is so much to take care of and so many responsibilities on your shoulders. As a new dad, especially, you will find yourself constantly on your toes trying to ensure that your lovely spawn has a roof over their head, food in their belly and clothes on their back. Your life can consist of endless nappy changes, hospital trips, walking around with a wailing baby, among other baby-related things. Having all these on your plate, you may forget to look after yourself. With a lot less free time, proper nutrition and fitness can seem like a luxurious reserve for those with no babies. Soon enough, you may find the dad bod creeping up on you without your notice. But, guess what? All hope is not lost. With a few strategies, you can maneuver your busy schedule and find ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Here is how to get back in shape as a busy dad:

Do not let your lovely baby take over your life

Granted, your baby may be the most significant person in your life. You may even be willing to lay down your life for them. That said, you need not lose yourself in that noble service of parenting. You love your little nugget but still need to have a semblance of balance in your life. Finding time to do things that do not relate to the baby is essential to your physical and mental health. The first step to getting back in shape is allowing yourself some time away from your baby. Give yourself a break from being attached to your baby.

Have a why

Remind yourself of your motivation to keep fit. The why will motivate you on days that you’d rather sit on the couch and snack on some sinful junk foods. You will need to find motivation that runs deep. Think about something like staying healthy for a long time for your family. Think of how much you will enjoy throwing balls with your grandkids if you make the tiny sacrifice now. That desire to serve your family selflessly will encourage you to work harder to stay in shape.

Set goals and reward yourself when you crush them

Setting milestones and rewarding yourself when you reach them is an excellent incentive for working out. Have your big fitness goals and break them into tiny achievable milestones. The seemingly trivial victories will soon lead to bigger goals eventually. Also, when there is a reward to look forward to, it is easier to keep going with zeal.

Learn to improvise

Do not make excuses for never having a spare minute to get in some workout. Learn to improvise. Do not assume that you can keep the same routine you once had pre-baby after the baby arrives. That is unpragmatic. You have to adapt to your new lifestyle and the schedule of your new tiny boss. You may not be able to get to the gym at the exact time every day.

That by no means suggests ditching training. Find ways to train around your baby’s schedule. Have a different routine each day if that is what it takes. Consider finding a 24-hour gym like element fitness that will cater to your dynamic schedule. On some days, your baby may sleep for an hour. On others, they may nap for just a few minutes.

Try to get in as much workout as you can. Get in a couple of push-ups or crunches when the baby naps. Anything is better than nothing. A small amount of movement will go a long way toward building both your emotional and physical health.

Do at-home workouts

Find workout programs and equipment that you can use from the comfort of your home. Going to the gym may be out of the question when you have a baby that calls for your attention. That does not mean surrendering your fitness goals. Search for bodyweight exercises that you can do at home without needing complex equipment. Do some crunches, squats, push-ups and burpees. You will soon realize that it does not take much to get and stay in shape. All you need is commitment and discipline. If you have the means, consider building your at-home workout space. Get a weight bench, pull up bars, stationary bike and a few other tools that you fancy. Your tiny home gym will make it easier to incorporate workouts in your day because you will not need to leave the house to exercise.

If you check out this dentist in Downey CA, they'll also advise you to also complement regular exercise with routine health checkups. Doing so should keep your physical health in good condition.

Adjust your diet

We are all aware of the cliché saying, ’you can’t out-exercise a bad diet’. Perhaps, it is so popular because it carries a lot of truth. A huge part of getting in shape is paying attention to what you put in your mouth. Cutting out all the ‘bad’ food may seem like an overwhelming task. However, you could chip at it slowly by starting with adding high nutrient foods to your diet. That will be much easier than going cold turkey. Incorporate more leafy vegetables and lean proteins into your diet. Try to tone down on the deserts and carbohydrates. With a few diet adjustments, you will crave fewer bad foods. And with a relatively clean diet, you will have more energy to move and exercise, making it easier to get in shape.

Meal prep

Batch cooking is an intelligent strategy for maintaining good nutrition. It is no secret that living with a baby can be hectic. With so little time to spare, you may find yourself ordering takeout more often or opting for quick fixes that may not be the healthiest. An excellent counter to this is meal prepping. Prepare mass batches of healthy foods and store them in the freezer.  Some great food options you can make in batches are meatballs, egg casseroles, soups, lasagna etc. Always have something ready for the days when you do not have time to prepare a healthy meal.

Join a community

You may feel lonely and alienated as a father. The lack of social interaction outside your partner and baby can get to you. Joining a fitness community will be killing two birds with one stone. Not only will you get the chance to interact with other people, but you will also find it easier working out and hitting your goals. The camaraderie in a fitness community will get you more motivated to get to your goals and get you back in shape quickly.

Final remarks

As a dad, you have to balance between being a doting father, a present partner and a productive member of society. Adding fitness to your list of responsibilities may feel like biting off too much. Still, you can navigate and stay in shape regardless of your busy schedule using the tips above.