New Year, New You: How Cosmetic Procedures Can Help With Your Resolutions

Each year we make resolutions for becoming our best selves, such as getting fit, having a healthier diet, saving more money, or finally getting to some tasks that we’ve been putting off. Unfortunately, these resolutions often fail for a variety of reasons. They’re often too overwhelming or too vague. Life can “get in the way,” post-holiday blues set in, or deep down we are too fearful or resistant of making the change. That doesn’t mean that resolutions are a complete waste of time, however. They’re a great way to set some goals and take the first step toward achieving them. The Waldorf Center for Plastic Surgery in Portland often sees patients who want to make a fresh start so that they look and feel their best in time for the new year. In this post, the Waldorf team explores some of the ways plastic surgery can support new year’s resolutions for getting in shape.

Get Ready in Time for Summer

Many patients prefer to have surgical procedures such as liposuction and tummy tucks done during the winter months because they need several months to fully feel like themselves again, as well as to see the full results from the treatments. If you have a surgical procedure done during the winter, you’ll be ready to show off your new look in time for swimsuit season. We spend much more time indoors during the colder months, giving us plenty of time to recover. Not to mention, winter weather is ideal for recovery because the days are shorter and the sun’s rays are less intense, so your skin is less likely to be sun damaged, and scars have a sufficient amount of time to heal.

Remove Resistant Fat and Skin

We don’t have much control over the way our fat is distributed. This is largely determined by genetics, hormones, age, and other factors. That means everyone has certain areas on their body—such as the thighs, hips, neck, or stomach—where shedding fat can be more of a challenge. Combined with a healthy lifestyle, surgical and non-surgical procedures allow patients to finally reduce some of the stubborn fat that they can’t lose through exercise. Excess sagging skin after significant weight loss, after pregnancy, or due to aging can also be a problem, and severe sagging can only be addressed with plastic surgery. Winter is a time when plenty of people have more dramatic surgeries such as tummy tucks, liposuction, or Mommy Makeovers. Non-surgical muscle toning procedures like CoolTone™ strengthen major muscle groups, and patients often find that workouts become easier because of this.

Plastic Surgery Can Be Motivational

There are psychological reasons why cosmetic treatments can help you reach your goals for the new year faster. Plastic surgery is one way to help you get a more positive outlook and improve your self-esteem during what can often be a long, depressing winter. When we’re putting our best face forward, we tend to feel better emotionally as well. By enhancing our appearance, we’re likely to feel more confident, perform better at work or in other areas, handle social situations better, and be inspired to go after the things we want.

Moreover, if you’ve made other lifestyle changes, it’s only natural to want your outside to match a healthy inside. When you feel more confident in your body and want to maintain your results—such as after a surgical procedure like a tummy tuck—it can motivate you to lead a healthier lifestyle, including a consistent exercise routine.

Sometimes patients are not sure what type of plastic surgery would be suitable for them or when they should plan for a procedure. The Waldorf Center for Plastic Surgery can help with guidance and answers to a range of questions. Call 503-882-0124 or fill out a contact form online to request a consultation if you want to learn more about what cosmetic procedures involve.