How Do Playgrounds Help In Child Development?

“Children need the freedom and time to play. Playing is not a luxury. It is a necessity.” -Kay Redfield Jamison.

New-age kids are more usually occupied with online games and gadgets. This affects their physical and mental growth to a great extent. Moreover, staying glued to the devices and not spending time outside also makes them miss out on the precious and carefree years of their life.  

Numerous studies have shown that too much smartphone use (or any gadget) negatively affects a child’s brain. It can cause ADHD, cognitive delays, increased impulsivity, impaired learning, and the ability to self-regulate.  

In order to avoid such a scenario, you must take your kids out of the house and encourage them to play in the playground. The swings, slides, overhead ladders, etc., will ensure that your kids have the best time of their lives while also developing crucial skills.  Let’s learn about the same in detail


Swings are one of the classic activities that the kids and even elders enjoy. Don’t you agree? It helps teach kids the importance of balance and coordination. Swinging further helps in boosting fine motor skills such as holding the swing chains and gross motor skills such as pumping legs to swing higher. It will also help your kids understand speed and directions.  


Climbing is a great way to improve body awareness. To be more specific, it helps toddlers become independent and understand the purpose of their hands and legs. There are generally different types of climbing playground equipment that help kids understand directions and improve problem-solving skills.  

For instance, when kids are climbing or learning to climb, they will wonder the following questions:  

●     How to get on top?

●     Which foot should I use next?

●     How can I get down?  

Answers to these questions will help improve their skills and elevate flexible thinking.  

Note: If your child is a toddler or preschooler, you must not leave them alone when they are playing. As the kid is still learning, they are likely to get hurt, especially if left unsupervised. So, make sure to be with your child and help them improve their skills.

Free Play

As the name suggests, free play means doing just anything to stay entertained on the playground. It may include running around with other kids or creating teams to complete a treasure hunt. Free play helps in improving the communication and social skills of kids.  

It will motivate them to talk to their fellow kids, practicing conversation and vocabulary. It also helps develop and boost leadership skills as the kids might create their own teams or groups for playing.  

Playing Ball Games

Ball games such as basketball, soccer run down, etc., will help build coordination. The kids must understand the right timing, direction, and technique to play and win the game. Additionally, it will help improve critical thinking and problem-solving skills, as they need to make quick decisions to ensure their win.  

Wrapping It All Up

Playing regularly is of utmost importance for your child's good physical and mental development. So, you must encourage them to reduce the use of gadgets and spend some quality time with family and friends amidst nature, in the playground.