4 Tips To Find A Mental Health Specialist Who’s Right For You

Getting support for your mental health can be a difficult decision to make, but it is one that is best for you. Despite the old stigma around therapy, the fact is that most people benefit from seeing a specialist like Elevate Counseling Group, for example. Whether you’re dealing with stress due to work, the loss of a loved one, or substance abuse issues, a counselor/therapist can help you regain your mental and emotional center. 

Finding the right mental health specialist can be quite a daunting task. You need someone with whom you can build a rapport and develop a relationship of trust. With the help of this guide, you’ll be able to pick a good mental health specialist and start on your journey of self-improvement.


Things you need to know about therapy

If this is your first time seeking professional help, you might be feeling a bit lost. There are many different types of therapists, often with their own specialties. You may have even heard horror stories of people having to try out multiple counselors before finding one that worked for them. The best thing you can do in this situation is inform yourself. When you start therapy, you might ask yourself what is LMHC and how is it different from a psychiatrist. 

An LMHC, or Licensed Mental Health Counsellor, is a person who has been trained to treat patients through cognitive means. This can include cognitive-behavioral therapy, humanistic therapy, and dialectical behavior therapy. On the other hand, psychiatrists are licensed to prescribe medication for your mental illness. If you are hesitant about starting any meds, you might want to seek a good LMHC. The counselor would be able to evaluate whether you need behavioral therapy or if you should see a psychiatrist.


Why LMHCs are a good place to start

One of the key qualities common in all good mental health counselors is the ability to adapt treatment to ensure maximum therapeutic progress. You are an individual, and the methods that worked for someone else might not be suitable for you. By dealing with a good LMHC, you can go through your different therapeutic approaches and find the one that suits your needs. In some cases, simple cognitive behavioral therapy might be enough to deal with your illness. In others, you might benefit more by engaging in eye movement desensitization and reprocessing or group therapy. An LMHC maximizes your chances of finding the right treatment option without having to deal with buying the wrong medication or any side effects from the pills.


Picking the right therapist

Patients are generally encouraged to consider different therapists and evaluate their options before settling on one. It might not be easy to find the perfect counselor for you, but it is not as hard as you think. These tips may come in handy. 

1.       Consider your needs

You need to be sure the style of therapy provided by the mental health specialist accommodates you. Some therapists engage in a casual dialogue while going over your treatment, and others are more formal. While the exact qualifications of a therapist are not a make-or-break factor, looking into them can help you feel more confident in the help you receive. 

You also need to consider their availability and costs, and how that aligns with your lifestyle. Some therapists might have a rooster of patients, while you might need a counselor who can hold emergency sessions. In terms of cost, not all insurance plans cover therapy, or they might only cover therapy from selected clinics. It is worth a shot telling a potential therapist that you cannot afford their rate outright and see if you can come to some deal on a payment plan. 

2.       Does identity matter to you?

It can be easier to talk to someone with the same background as you. For example, if you’re a person of color, talking to a therapist who has the same cultural background as you can speed up the process. You would not need to spend time explaining cultural differences and can focus on getting to the root cause of your issue. Similarly, your experience at therapy and the openness of communication can be affected by the person’s age or gender. 

Therapy works best when you’re comfortable, and finding a mental health specialist that amplifies that comfort can make a big difference. A paper by Harvard outlined that there is a “spectrum of quality” when it comes to finding the therapist who best complements you. 

3.       Explore your community

Your local resources are an excellent means of finding a trustworthy and reliable therapist- possibly one who fits into your budget as well. For instance, if you’re a student, you might have access to a certified counselor in college. Similarly, suppose you’re a survivor of domestic abuse. In that case, you can talk to local support groups and advocacy agencies to find the help you need for your mental health. 

You can also reach out to organizations that deal with particular mental health issues. They can help you find a mental health counselor in your area. These organizations include the National Eating Disorders Association, the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, and the National Center for PTSD. 

4.       Ask the important questions

When you’re shortlisting potential therapists, try to meet with them first before beginning treatment. This is like an interview, and it would do well to have a list of questions ready before the conversation starts. The first thing you should do is set a goal for therapy for yourself. You can base the questions on this goal. You could ask about their qualifications, experience, specialties, approach to dealing with issues, whether they can connect you to support groups, etc. 

By getting a sense of their expertise and therapy style, you’ll know if that person is the right therapist for you. Whether your first conversation with the mental health specialist is in person, on a call, or through a video chat, be sure to inquire about all the things that are important to your therapy goals.


Final thoughts

You are already on the path to recovery if you’re ready to go to therapy and work on your mental health. This journey can be long and difficult, but it becomes easier once you find the right mental health specialist. In time, you’ll be able to notice your progress and improvements. In simple terms, finding the right help is a personal matter. As long as you can have a strong connection with your therapist, you will reap the benefits of therapy, whether that be in person, on the phone, or online.