How To Celebrate a Child’s Birthday Without Planning A Party

Parties are great, but they can also be exhausting, stressful, and expensive. Even if you thrive in any opportunity to throw an incredible get-together, it’s easy to blow your top when you’re planning for a kid that’s constantly changing his or her mind about the flavour of cake that they want, or who they want to be invited to their celebration.

Rather than spending hundreds of pounds on a day that’s going to leave your kid tired, grumpy, and full of complaints, why not consider taking a different approach to celebrating? The following top ideas could be the best alternative to those annoying parties you didn’t want to plan anyway.

1.    Go Camping

If you have a kid that loves the great outdoors, a camping trip can be the perfect way to celebrate their birthday without spending a lot of money. All you need is a reliable tent and a few treats to take with you – such as marshmallows that you can cook over a fire. Make sure that you pick a weekend when the weather is supposed to be good so you can stay out and watch the stars.

The time your family friends in the wild without phones and tablets is bound to lead to some great memories, and you can even take a cake with you on the trip, so that some of the traditional experiences still make it into the day.

2.    Go On A Day Trip

If camping doesn’t appeal to you, then why not go on an adventure during the day instead. Get in the car and head somewhere to visit a museum or park that you know would interest your kid. You could even check out a carnival or visit your child’s favourite store and let them pick out an item that they want to take home.

Changing up your scenery for a little while will make your kid feel extra special. If you really want to make sure that you’ve got a great idea planned, why not ask your kid to take full control and plan their “perfect day” for themselves?

3.    Try a Mini Holiday

It’s becoming increasingly easy to take vacations these days. Flights are getting a lot cheaper, and you can even take trains and busses instead. Why not take your kid on a miniature holiday to London where he can take in the sights for a weekend. You could even head over to Paris or somewhere else in Europe?

Celebrate on the flight too with plenty of birthday-related activities to keep your kid entertained. You could even ask the flight crew to sing happy birthday or bring out a cake in the middle of the flight. Most of them won’t mind taking this extra step to make the day special.

4.    Take a Class Together

Masterclass sessions aren’t just fun for adult parties. Although you might not go to a cocktail mixing session with your kid, you can try things like archery or clay pigeon shooting, or even teach your youngster some circus skills with the help of a specialist trainer.

These are the kind of classes that your kid won’t mind taking – particularly if it means that they have some excellent skills to share with their friends when they’re heading back to school. Plus, you’ll end the day with a lot of shared memories and photos that you can look back on in the months and years to come. There are even quadbiking and axe-throwing classes for the more daring children.

5.    Have a Spa or Sports Day

Depending on your kid, there are two great ways to spend the day for your child’s birthday. The first option is to take a spa day. Teach your kid what it’s truly like to relax with a full pamper session, including facials, manicures, and hot tub sessions if you can find one. There are plenty of locations that cater to both parents and children, and you can even allow your child to choose which treatments that they want.

If that sounds a little bit too relaxing for your athletic child, then try a sports day instead. Take your kid to a game featuring their favourite sports team, then look for ways to celebrate the day in style with themed gifts that can also act as a memento. The best way to create an amazing celebration for your child is to think about what they enjoy most.