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How To Cope Better As A Single Dad

One of the most challenging transitions for any man is transitioning to being a single dad. It could be that you have lost your spouse to death or divorce. In fact, the number of children living with single parents has doubled since 1968, according to research done by Pew Research Centre. In other words, you should know that you are not alone! This guide will tell you more on ways to cope better as a single dad.

Have a flexible work schedule

It is no easy feat to balance parenting and attending work to provide for your family. Responsibilities at work can be overwhelming and take over your life, leaving you with little to no time to focus on your little ones. That is why it is necessary to create an optimal work-life balance. Talk to your employer. Try to reach a middle ground where both your kids' needs and the responsibilities at work are being met. You can look to see if working from home is a viable option or reporting a little earlier to work so that you can leave early to get your kids from school.

Get support

Being a single dad can be an isolating experience. It can get lonely, especially if you do not know other single dads with whom you can share experiences. Isolation and loneliness can easily take a toll on your mental health. It is particularly devastating when the kids are having a hard time adjusting to the new life.

It is necessary to seek help for both you and the kids. If you notice that you or the kids are developing depressive or anxiety signs, find a therapist to help you cope. You can find professionals like DBT therapists NYC to help you and your kids cope with the transition. Seeking help isn’t a sign of weakness. It will help you and your kids turn the negative energy with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques.
You can also browse online for a supportive community with people that share similar experiences. Try to also get closer to friends and family to help you combat the feelings of loneliness. 

Prioritize self-care

As a parent, you are often busy taking care of your kids. What happens is that you then forget to take care of yourself. You are more likely to experience burnout and feel overwhelmed if you do not block out some time to do something for yourself. Refreshing yourself will get you recharged and rejuvenated to handle everything even better. Get a babysitter and go out with your friends or take a walk. Make the time to look after yourself. You cannot use your phone if you do not charge it. The same applies to you. You cannot be fully present for your kids if you do not take care of yourself!

Understand that some days will be tough

Parental responsibility is not easy let alone single parenting! Taking care of everyone ensuring that the kids have done their homework and are having balanced meals can be challenging. There are days that you won’t be on top of your game. There are days when the kids will not go to bed at the right time. Some days your kids will be upset with you. The key to coping with this is realizing that these tough days will pass. Do not beat yourself up too much and think that you are failing as a parent. Acknowledge that there will be tough times and give yourself grace.

Final Remarks

Being a single dad isn’t easy particularly at the early stages. It is probably the hardest thing you will ever do in your life. That said, you can excel if you can develop some coping mechanisms that will help the transition. Don’t be afraid to seek help from family, friends and even professionals.