How To Lose Belly Fat In A Month With Exercise

All body shapes are beautiful. However, there are times when fat in particular parts of the body can affect a person’s confidence, especially when it’s around the belly area.  

Losing belly fat is a common weight loss goal shared by a lot of people. But little do people know that aside from making it difficult to choose clothes, abdominal fat can also be a tell-tale sign of something more serious. 

Abdominal fat can sometimes be a symptom of type 2 diabetes or even heart disease. That’s why losing a couple of pounds can significantly benefit your health. So, here are a few pointers that you can consider if you want to lose those abdominal fats.


Effective Ways to Deal With Abdominal Fat


Refrain from consuming sugar and artificially sweetened drinks 

Sugar has some benefits to a person’s health. But like everything else, consuming it excessively could potentially have adverse effects, such as on a person’s metabolism. It can also increase liver and abdominal fat, leading to insulin resistance and other metabolic issues. 

Artificially sweetened drinks are even worse because the brain doesn’t recognize liquid calories in the same way as solid calories. When you regularly have it every day, you’ll end up consuming more calories. So, try reducing your sugar intake by looking at your diet and eliminating most of your sugary and artificially sweetened drinks. 

Consume more protein 

Protein is a crucial micronutrient essential to losing weight. Adding it to your diet can help you alleviate hunger and reduce your cravings. You can consider increasing your intake of protein-rich foods, such as fish, whole eggs and nuts to help your body in reducing fat.  

Meanwhile, consider adding whey protein to your diet if you find it challenging to consume enough protein daily. It’s an excellent and convenient way to add the necessary protein intake to your body. 

Eat less carbs 

Sticking to low-carb diets can help reduce a person’s water weight, making it easier to lose weight. Try reducing your refined carbs intake from sugar and white bread, and look for better alternatives that have lesser carbs. 

Remember that your end goal is to lose weight in the shortest possible time. So, reducing your carb intake by at least 50 grams per day can help you lose weight fast.  

Eat foods rich in fibre 

Another way to help with your weight loss is by adding dietary fibre to your meal. These soluble fibres bind water to form a thick gel, making you feel complete every time you eat. The thick gel drastically slows the food’s movement as it goes through your digestive tract. This is how it makes you feel full. 

Some of the best fibre-rich vegan foods you can add to your diet are legumes, cereals and fruits like apples. You can also try taking fibre supplements to help you with your weight loss. 

Get your daily dose of exercise 

Everyone knows that exercising regularly is one of the best ways to lose fat. But if you want to burn calories fast, it’s best to learn a few techniques to help you accomplish it. Some ways to help burn unwanted calories are by doing cardiovascular exercises, workouts and weight training. 

Meanwhile, if you’re into simple exercises, doing a few aerobic activities, such as running, swimming and brisk walking, should do the trick. Regular workouts can lead to a reduction in inflammation, increase in metabolism and drop in blood sugar level. 

Monitor what you consume 

Most people are aware of what to eat to stay healthy. However, not all of them know how much they consume every time they eat. The amount of food that you eat can have a considerable effect on your weight. So, whether you’re on a low-carb diet or a keto, it’s still essential to track what you consume. 

Tracking your meal doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll measure everything you eat, including your weight. It’s about tracking what you consume for a few days so that you’ll know the areas that need a bit of tweaking. Planning your meals can help you achieve your ideal weight.


How to Stick To Your Exercise Routine

Keep yourself internally motivated 

Attending crossfit  workouts to make you look good on your next date won’t be strong enough to help you stick to the exercise routines. Instead, consider identifying the things that’ll work for you. Whether it’s about maintaining your health or keeping your physical condition, it’s essential to find the internal driving force that’ll motivate you to stick to your lifestyle. 

Keep your pace

You don’t have to compare your progress to other people. Remember that each has one’s health journey to take, and yours is different. Pushing yourself too hard too soon will cause you to end up sore and even injured. Consider taking things easy. Once you’re comfortable with your pace, move on to the next stage of workouts to make it more challenging. 

Let your friends join 

It’s always fun to have other people with you during your exercise. Also, having a partner can help steer you back if ever you begin to feel lazy. Having a friend with you makes it harder to bail out on the tracks if you know someone is waiting for you. 

Let it become a habit 

Although it’s easier said than done, letting your workout become a part of your daily habit is essential to help you stick to your exercise routines. Once it’s already a part of your everyday routine, it’ll become an involuntary part of your life. Consider tracking it by keeping a fitness journal to monitor your progress.



There’s no easy solution to burning belly fat. It takes a lot of hard work, determination and commitment to make it work. So, celebrate each of your fitness milestones no matter how simple or easy it may be. Doing so will help you keep your motivation as you lose that excess weight.