How To Prevent Indoor Allergies At Home?

Having allergies can be a major irritant. Dust and pollen can often cause you to get a runny nose or cause your eyes to start watering. Thankfully, this doesn’t need to be the case. There are plenty of ways that you can get rid of allergens, so you feel comfortable in your home.

Regularly Wash Your Sheets And Pillows

The bedroom is one of the most important parts of the home. You’ll spend hours in this room. So, you want to check that it’s free from allergens. One of the best ways of doing this is by regularly washing your sheets and pillows. When you’re sleeping small skin cells can fall onto the pillow. These can also be a potential breeding zone for dust mites. It’s often a good time to wash your pillowcases and sheets once a week. You might want to wash the pillow itself every three to four weeks.

It can also be a good idea to consider getting a mattress protector. This is like a sheet that fits over the mattress. You’ll be able to remove and wash this, to stop dust mites from penetrating the mattress. It will also ensure that the mattress isn’t damaged by spilled drinks, so it will last for longer.

Stop Allergens From Coming Inside

One of the best ways to stop yourself from getting allergy symptoms is by stopping allergens from entering the house. There are a few simple ways to do this. First, try to keep the windows closed. If you have the air conditioner on, you usually won’t need to leave the window open. This will allow you to heat or cool the space more effectively, helping to save you money. You might also want to have a mat at the door, so you can wipe off your shoes before you come inside. If you are using curtains, make sure that you pick a material that you will be able to wash in the machine. If you have blinds, wipe them down every few weeks.

You might also want to have an air purifier. These are small devices that will suck in the air and remove any bacteria and allergens. If you’re using one of these, make sure that you have closed the windows, so you’ll be able to use it more effectively. It’s also a good idea to look for a model that has a HEPA filter. This will allow you to catch the finer particles. You might also want to try to adjust the device so that it sends the clean air towards you.

Get A High-Quality Vacuum

One of the most important tools you have in your fight against dust and pollen is a vacuum cleaner. You’ll be able to suck these allergens up to create a more sterile environment. It’s recommended that you vacuum the floor once a week. If you have severe allergies, you might also want to mop the floor. There are a few things that you should be looking for when choosing a vacuum cleaner. First, check the filter. You want to find a model that has a HEPA filter. This will allow you to catch even the smallest particles. You also want to make sure that it has been built to last. To help you find the perfect model for you, check out this vacuum for allergies compilation.


Allergies can be a big problem, especially if you have a severe reaction. Thankfully, you don’t need to spend the whole spring and summer with a runny nose. So, follow this advice to get rid of allergens in your home.