How Your Family Can Have A Positive Impact On The Environment

The importance of going green and protecting the environment has never been greater. We all have a role to play in ensuring that we offset the impact humanity has on the planet. Fortunately, there are countless ways that you and your family can ensure that you reduce your carbon footprint and keep the world safe and healthy for years to come. 

Here are a few of the best ways that you and your family can go green. 

Buy Products With Less Plastic Packaging

You could consider doing what you can to shop in places that have less plastic packaging. There are zero waste shops out there that allow you to bring your own containers, and you could ensure that you choose loose fruit and vegetables, and put them in reusable bags. 

The places that you shop can also help to signal to larger corporations that customers are keen for them to provide greener options. Companies large and small will follow the change in demand, and you can do your part to promote this by shopping with stores that offer plastic-free or reduced plastic packaging. 

Reduce Your Meat Consumption

Reducing the amount of meat your family eats can make a massive difference to your carbon footprint. This doesn’t mean that you have to go exclusively vegetarian or vegan – though, of course, you can if you wish. Going meat-free for even one or two days a week can help to make a big difference. 

The meat industry is responsible for a vast amount of global emissions. Beef, in particular, is the most significant cause of emissions from the food sector. You could consider reducing or removing the amount of beef your family eats and start from there. You can make a difference, no matter how much of an adjustment you make. 

Cycle Instead Of Driving

Cycling can be a great family activity. Even if your children are very young, you can buy safe carriers for children and babies that go on bikes. Cycling instead of driving when it comes to commuting, grocery shopping and other errands can make a huge difference in reducing your carbon footprint. 

If your commute is longer than you can realistically cycle on a tradition bicycle, you could consider an e-bike. E-bikes are getting popular across the globe, and help the rider cycle using a battery-powered motor. These can be charged at home, and as they are electric, are much better for the environment than cars or many forms of public transport. 

Insulate Your Home

Having proper insulation in your home can help to reduce the amount of energy wasted in heating bills. Insulation enables you to keep heat inside your home, saving you money on your energy bills over time. 

An excellent way to check if your insulation is working well is by checking your home’s roof on a cold and frosty morning. If there is frost present on your roof, then it is likely that your home is well insulated. If the ice has melted entirely, this can indicate that your insulation is not doing its job to a sufficient standard. 

Grow More Plants

Plants are excellent for improving air quality. You could consider ensuring that your garden is full of CO2 absorbing plants. Plenty of greenery in your garden will help to improve the air quality around your house.

If you don’t have your own garden, then you could consider investing in some indoor plants. These will help to improve the air quality inside your home. Plants also are excellent stress busters and can promote a calm and relaxing environment – perfect for any busy family home. 

Consider Composting

Compostable packaging is becoming more prevalent in today’s world. Unfortunately, these often can’t be recycled with your usual recycling. You could consider trying out composting at home, to ensure that these materials aren’t sent to landfill. 

Composting is also excellent for reducing the amount of wasted food that we throw out. You can put many things into a compost heap, from vegetable peelings to garden waste. It is best not to compost things like meat and cheese as these can attract pests. 

Educate The Kids

Educating your children on how and why it is essential to do your part for the planet is crucial. This is probably one of the best ways to make a lasting positive impact on the environment. There are plenty of resources out there that are aimed at teaching children about green practices and why they matter. 

You could also explain the different steps you are taking to offset your carbon footprint and ensure that you involve them as much as you can in your green home practices. It would be best to explain in kid-friendly terms until they are old enough to fully understand the concept of global warming.