Liposuction Aftercare: How To Reduce Bruising And Swelling

It can be frustrating when your outer appearance doesn’t match the way you see yourself. Even if you’re generally happy with your shape, there may be a few problem areas that catch your eye when you look in a mirror or try on clothes. Consider the upper arms, stomach, thighs, or below-the-chin region where you can’t get excess fat to budge, even if you’ve maintained a slim figure through exercise and a healthy diet. Beverly Hills plastic surgery practice Cassileth Plastic Surgery & Skin Care offers liposuction to patients as an effective way to decrease volume in specific areas for good, and to help to reduce fat where other methods can’t. The surgery is designed for soft, subcutaneous (below the skin) fat, rather than the hard, visceral fat found deeper in the abdomen.

It’s important to remember that any kind of major surgery can be stressful for your body, and also taxing on your mental and emotional state, so you’ll need to plan to take some time off to recover. Your body reacts to surgery as if you’ve suffered an injury—because you have! That said, everyone’s recovery experience will be different, though there are some common, mild side effects to watch for, including bruising, swelling, and discomfort. For many patients, managing the adverse effects of surgery are worth being able to enjoy their new, slimmer shape.


Anytime you are injured, blood can leak into the skin and form a patch that may look blue or purple in color. This is called a bruise. Bruising after surgery is very common, and it is seen around the places where incisions were made, because tiny blood vessels are broken, releasing blood that is trapped directly below the skin’s surface. One of the best ways of lightening up bruises is by frequently icing the treatment area with an ice pack for several weeks. Applying ice to bruised areas also helps to reduce swelling and discomfort.

To keep bruising under control, it’s best to stop smoking, avoid drinking alcohol, and follow your surgeon’s preparation instructions for at least one week before and several days after the operation, depending on your specific situation. Also, protect your bruises and incision lines from sun exposure that can make them look worse. Cover up and shelter from sunlight.


Liposuction results in inflammation, fluid retention, and increased blood flow to the surgical site, all of which can make you feel uncomfortable and cause your body to look more bloated than normal for a few months while you’re recovering. Some residual anaesthetic solution may also remain below the skin along with fragments of fat cells. This swelling will go down with time.

After you’ve had plastic surgery, it’s essential to get a plenty of rest so that you can heal quickly—though you’re also encouraged to engage in light activity like walking inside your house for the first few days post-surgery to help improve blood circulation.

Drink more fluids than you usually would—especially water—and avoid excessive sodium intake for a few weeks to keep the swelling down. Your surgeon may instruct you to wear a compression garment. Using it for several weeks can decrease swelling by applying pressure to stop fluid accumulation and encourage reabsorption of the fluid by the body.


Liposuction is performed with the patient under anaesthesia, which relieves a lot of the pain, though it’s common to feel at least discomfort when you awaken from surgery. The best post-operative pain management techniques for you depend on what type of anaesthesia is used. The first days after the surgery are usually when patients experience the most discomfort, but the tenderness and soreness eventually subside. Your surgeon will usually prescribe medication to help you feel more comfortable. Wearing a compression garment to provide support to the treatment areas will also be helpful.

Want to find out more about what happens before and after the liposuction procedure? The Beverly Hills based Cassileth Plastic Surgery & Skin Care is here to support you throughout your journey. For additional details, call (310) 278-8200 or fill out a contact form to request a consultation.