A Father's Guide On How To Foster A Child

Being a dad is undoubtedly hard. Knowing how to foster a child as an adoptive father might be even harder.

Ask any foster dad and they’ll tell you that while it’s an exciting and fulfilling experience, it’s also terrifying. From day one, you’re in for a ride not knowing what to expect. It may take years or even a whole lifetime before you could say you’re getting the hang of it.

There will be days when you’re asking yourself if you’re in way over your head.

The truth is, 1.5 million children in America’s foster care system have never experienced the love of a dependable father. That’s a significant challenge that you have to take on.

But don’t let it discourage you because it’s all worth it in the end.

What does fostering a child mean and what do you have to look forward to? Here’s a brief guide.

A Greater Responsibility to Act as a Role Model

You may be the very first positive role model in your child’s life. Many children came from broken families and suffered hardships before coming into foster care. While they may know what a “dad” is, their perception is clouded by the abuses and neglect they experienced.

It’s up to you to show them how a loving and responsible father should act.

Demonstrate, through your actions, the values that are important to you personally and what you have learned growing up. Values such as humility, respect for others, honesty, and other examples. As their father, you have a tremendous influence on how a child develops into a respectable adult.

Affection Is a Tenet of How to Foster a Child

Everything you do, you should do with love.

It’s okay to say, “I love you” and show affection. All children, and not just foster children, need that. They need the security that comes from knowing that they’re accepted and loved by their family.

They have to understand that there’s nothing “unmanly” about being demonstrative with love. Children, especially boys who grew up in a violent home, may have been taught to always be tough and to not show any “weakness.” That’s not the message that you want to impart to your child.

Even when you’re trying to discipline them, you should do so in a calm, gentle, and non-violent manner.

Fostering a Child Is a Partnership

There’s an old cliché that a couple with a foster child is essentially a fostering mommy with some help from the dad. For many years, the traditional family image is that of a breadwinner father and a mother who takes care of the household and children.

While we recognize the merit of providing for the family as a father, nurturing the children is equally important.

In the same way that marriage is a partnership, becoming a foster parent is a fifty-fifty affair as well. As a father, it’s your duty to take part in the work involved, such as studies, delegating chores, and play.

Spend time with your foster child as much as possible.

Ready to Be a Foster Dad?

Hopefully, this brief guide on how to foster a child gave you an idea of your responsibilities as a foster dad and what it all entails. When in doubt, follow your heart and make decisions based on the love you have for your child.

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