Parenting 101: 7 Dad Duties That Should Not Skip Your Mind

Whenever you hear the word ‘parenting’, probably the first thing that comes to your mind is responsibilities towards the child. Well, mostly parenting revolves around being responsible on multiple fronts for your child. All of it is obviously easier said than done. Love for your little one alone will never guarantee that you are being a responsible parent.

As a dad, you have certain responsibilities that you simply cannot miss out on. No one expects you to be on top of your game at all times, after all, you are human, and to be human is to make mistakes. From time to time you might forget or miss out on some important dad duties. But don’t worry, we have your back. Here is a list of ‘do not forget’ duties that are commonly skipped by dads every now and then. 


Do not forget leniency

Being a father usually means that the family looks up to you to be the authority figure. It's usually up to you to make sure that when the children get stubborn or do something out of line, you be a little stern and make them understand. Having the kids do the right things and showing proper etiquette is essential.

But is it necessary to act dictator all the time? Don’t you think that it's healthy to be a little lenient sometimes and let things float?

Being an ideal dad also means that you should know when to leave out strictness and be carefree while dealing with the kids. They deserve to have a little freedom sometimes to go all out and frankly speaking, the little bursts of leniency will only make them love and respect you even more. So while it is vital to be strict and uptight towards the kids for their proper conditioning, it is also important to keep showing small spells of leniency every now and then.


Do not forget interactive games

Your daily routine revolving around the kids usually involves making sure they do their homework, eating on time, picking them up from tennis practice, and so on. But in all these activities are they really getting to bond with you?

A study regarding the psychology of kids shows that one of the best ways to bond with your kids is to play games with them. Games involving physical activities are usually preferred over the ones which do not involve a lot of physical movement as they help in the overall development of the child and make them more responsive towards you. Playing a game of catch every now and then will help your kids trust you with their emotional needs. Any type of guidance or teaching that you divulge around this time will be better accepted by them. So do not forget to take your kid to the backyard or the playground for some interactive gaming sessions.


Do not forget the weekly outing

Keeping your kids home all day long is obviously not a very healthy thing to do. It is disastrous not only for their physical health but also for their mental health. One of the many responsibilities of parenting is to make sure you take your kids out into the world for a little fun. Take a day out from your week and fix it for a family outing. Go to your kid's favorite restaurant and treat them to their favourite food. Don't worry about making them unhealthy if it's just once a week. Kids have amazing metabolism and their bodies can easily digest fast food. These outings are more focused on keeping them physically and mentally healthy. Simply getting out of the house and interacting with the world helps them have healthier growth.


Do not forget the dental checkup

Do you remember your childhood eating habits? Remember how you used to crave all the chocolate and candies you could get your hands on? Remember how all that sugary food used to point at the dentist?

Well if you do then you need to remember to take your kids to the dentist regularly too. Even if your kids do not eat all those candies they still might develop cavities. The dental experts at better smiles dental care portsmouth nh suggest getting regular dental checkups for not just healthy teeth but also to keep away things like gum infection, bad breath, and so on. As a dad, it is your responsibility to make sure that you do not forget to keep a check on your kid’s dental health. Schedule a trip to the dental clinic at least once in 6 months. Still looking for a dental clinic near you? You could visit smiles of kiln creek in yorktown if you're in the area.


Do not forget to talk about school and friends

Your kids look up to you. For them, you are the person they will go to if they have any questions or if they feel like sharing any experience from their life. Most kids want to share their experiences from school with you. They have many things to share like making new friends, assignments from school, fights with classmates, achievements in class, and so on.

Make sure you take out an ample amount of time to get them in a comfortable place for them to share these experiences with you.


Do not forget grandparent meet-ups

Ever noticed the fleeting look of joy on your parent’s faces when you make them meet their grandchildren? It is a blessing for them to see the kids and they love spending time with them. It is also important for your kids to spend time with them as they play a role in their overall development too. Basically, all relatives are a part of the family, and interacting with them is also necessary.

Parenting is not a walk in the park and there are many challenges to it. Being a dad means you might feel overwhelmed with all the responsibilities that come your way. You might also forget some important ones every now and then. To avoid such mishappenings you can go through this list so that you do not miss anything on your way to becoming the best dad out there.