Parenting Hacks For Busy Legal Professionals

Parenting is a full-time job and becomes even more challenging for busy professionals. Expect the pressure to be massive if you are a lawyer because you have deadlines and high-stress cases to deal with. You may feel insane at work and home because juggling them simultaneously seems impossible. Imagine attending school events and looking after a sick child amid the stressful routine at work. Fortunately, you need not compromise one role to give your best to the other. You can balance both perfectly with the right approach and mindset. Here are a few proven parenting hacks for busy legal professionals.

Be organized

Legal professionals often have long working hours, and they may stretch more when a case is near the end. You may mess things up in your personal and professional life if you fail on the organizational front. Conversely, being organized enables you to fit everything into the day. Learn to prepare to-do lists, prioritize tasks, and focus on billable work. Besides making you more efficient at work, a good organization enables you to create time for your partner and kids. 

Use technology to your advantage

You can be a better lawyer-parent by using technology to your advantage. The best example is remote work, as it enables you to fulfill your parental responsibilities without missing out on your cases. You can access documents anywhere from the cloud and take client calls from a doctor’s office, provided you are tech-savvy. Technology also enables you to be more productive and close tasks on time. You can even use it for personal goals like setting reminders for birthdays and school events. 

Consider a switch

Besides work stress, long commutes can eat up your family time if your law firm office is far from home. Likewise, a job with a poor work-life balance can lead to parental problems. Consider a switch when you feel unhappy with your job, but it is easier said than done in a competitive landscape in the US. There are over 5900 lawyers in Raleigh, so you can imagine the struggle of changing jobs if you practice in the city. But you can collaborate with a specialist recruiter to find a better job that lets you be a great parent.

Always have a plan B

Your job as a legal professional can be unpredictable, and you may even have to travel on short notice. Having a plan B is crucial if you suddenly need to attend a meeting during a weekend or travel when your kids need you at home. A supportive partner can be your lifesaver, but you must have a family member, friend, or paid caregiver you can rely on if you are a single parent. Likewise, look for a flexible employer who lets you reschedule appointments and work from home during emergencies.

Keep your expectations realistic

Another valuable piece of parenting advice for legal professionals is to have realistic expectations. You cannot be a supermom or super dad, no matter how hard you try. So avoid unrealistic expectations such as billing bills 200 hours a month without compromising family time. Also, ensure that your partner and kids understand your situation and support you relentlessly. Good family bonding puts you in a good place in this context.

You can get the best of both worlds as a parent and a busy legal professional. Follow these parenting hacks to enjoy your journey and raise a happy family.