Paternal Responsibilities Amidst Divorce: What Do You Need To Do?

Starting a new family is a special feeling that can never be explained in words. But if your marriage hit rock bottom, things might get haywire. And if by any chance you have children, things might get even more complicated.

While things are pretty simple (not literally but legally), if you are a mother, things might not be the same if you are a father. If you are also facing the same concerns, Go Now and read on, because this article is just for you.

 Custody Rights- The History 

Before we move on to legal rights, let’s understand a bit about the history of custodial rights. Earlier, physical custody usually was awarded to the mother. This is because they are often related to being the “nurturers.”  

But with the cultural changes in society, things have changed over the years. Now Schaumburg courts take into account every factor before awarding custody to either mother or father.  

So, what about the fathers? Let’s find out.


If You Are a Father, This is What You Must Know 

Whether you are married or not, if you have a child with your partner, you hold certain rights if you are a Schaumburg resident, Chicago. For example, to contest in the court, you must be a biological contributor to the child or legally adopt the child.  

But what do courts consider when determining the rights of a child? Below are some of the factors that will be considered to find the ideal custodian for your child.  

●     The wishes of both the parents will be heard.

●     If your child has attained a certain age, their opinion will be counted.

●     The status of your relationship.

●     Your child’s state of mind.

●     Mental and physical health of everyone involved.   

So, if you want the outcome in your favor, make sure you are the active or involved parent. Also, as per the experienced Schaumburg child custody lawyer, you must be able to prove that you can provide a favorable environment for your child.  

Other than this, you must be aware of the following criteria as well. 

●     You might be eligible for child support, but you have to fight for custody or parenting time in court.

●     If you think your child might be adopted before you can confirm that you are a legal dad, you can enroll yourself with the IPFR. 

Typically a lot of factors are considered to determine the primary custodial parent. Either the parents can come up with some mutually agreeable terms, or if that’s not possible. The court will decide based on the number of factors mentioned above.


Wrapping up 

Child custody is not a simple thing to finalize. And if you are dealing with an estranged spouse, things might turn chaotic or messy. This is why hiring a family lawyer, or child custody attorney is something that should be on your priority list. They will help you browse through all the nitty-gritty details to avoid any hassles when in court.  

So, have you decided on your course of action yet? If not, talk to a professional right away!