Posts tagged Nose
Not Just For A Smaller Nose—What Can Rhinoplasty Do?

Despite the fact that there are countless beautiful faces revealed every day in magazine ads, on popular reality television shows, and even on towering billboards, most of the faces people encounter day to day are not flat on a page or screen, but moving in real life, where they can be seen in all three dimensions.

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Addressing Nose Trauma through Rhinoplasty

The most common bones to get fractured in the head are those in the nasal cavity. This is because they are very delicate. A nasal fracture can result from a fall, fights, or injury. Such an injury leads to nose trauma. The fracture varies in severity, and if the patient’s skin is not bleeding, he or she can breathe normally, and the nasal bones are in their right position, meaning surgery is unnecessary. Otherwise, the patient might require rhinoplasty to correct the injury and make breathing possible again.

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Unusual Causes and Side Effects of Throat Ailments

Everyone gets a sore throat from time to time. Most often associated with a cold, there are a myriad of other possible causes you may not know about. If you find yourself developing a sore throat even without any symptoms of an illness, it could be caused by something you’ve never thought about.

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