Posts tagged dad skills
Parent Participation: 8 Ways To Learn More About Your Child

To some parents, getting involved in their kid’s life comes naturally. They just understand when to be there for their kid and when to give them privacy. However, for some parents, it's not that easy. Especially for those who are first-time parents or have encountered some awkward situations with their child. Moreover, it could be hard for some parents to understand the thin line between getting involved and getting into personal space. But don’t worry! We’ve got your back! Keep reading this article to learn 8 ways to learn about your child without interfering with their personal space.

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How To Be A Supportive Dad To Your Teenage Daughter

As our children grow and become their own individuals in their own right, they go through different phases, and some can feel more challenging than others. This is especially true for when our daughters hit the pre-teen age and start to formulate a stronger separate identity outside of the family unit. It’s a time where girls are starting to explore their own social independence, and that comes with its own unique set of changes. But how do we do that and navigate this new reality? Here are some tips for connecting with your pre-teen and/or teenage daughter.

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