Posts tagged face
Are There Any Ways To Tighten Loose Skin On The Face?

There are some things that are great about getting older (such as more wisdom, experience, and accomplishments), but there are also unwanted changes that occur on the face (such as a loss of volume and deflation of facial fat, loose sagging skin, wrinkles, and deep skin folds that form as fat shifts downward). Smoking, major weight loss or gain, too much junk food in the diet, stress, and sun damage can also contribute to loss of elasticity in the skin. We all want a gracefully aging face—and thankfully there are ways to delay the effects of aging, with or without cosmetic surgery.

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Can Fillers Reduce Smile Lines?

Facial filler injections like Juvederm® are considered to be the gold standard for improving wrinkles and hollows that are associated with collagen loss in the face. Pronounced nasolabial folds, also known as smile lines or laughter lines, are often one of the areas patients are interested in treating. Injectable fillers are ideal for diminishing the appearance of these particular wrinkles. These deep indentation lines that stretch from either side of the nose on the inner cheeks down to the sides of the mouth are a normal part of the face, but they vary in severity. They are often most easily visible when we’re laughing or smiling.

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Your Guide To Acne Scars: Causes, Treatments And Prevention Strategies

If you have acne scars, then you know just how difficult it can be to feel confident in your skin. Acne is a condition that affects millions of people every year, and acne scars are the aftermath. The good news is that acne scar removal treatments do exist! In this article, we will discuss acne scar causes and prevention strategies so you can get rid of acne scars for good.

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Men’s Skin: Female-Based Dosing Standards May Not Be Sufficient for Male Cosmetic Treatments

It should surprise no one that, as a dermatologist based in image-focused Beverly Hills, I see a significant number of patients concerned with both the health and look of their skin. It is also not surprising to say that interest in skincare treatments is on the rise among the male demographic. Dermatology Times recently reported that the previous decade saw administrations of botulinum toxin injections (for smoothing wrinkles) jump by 50 percent, while dermal fillers (for adding volume to specific areas of the face) leapt 230 percent.

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