Posts tagged language
Ideas For Dads: Building A Language-Rich Environment At Home

As parents, we want our kids to succeed in whatever they choose to do, and one of the most powerful tools we can give them is the gift of language. Building a language-rich environment at home is not only an investment in their academic futures but can also nurture our children's emotional intelligence, creativity, and social skills. In the following post, we will discuss why a language-rich environment is important for children and ideas for how to incorporate rich language activities at home.

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How Learning A Second Language Can Benefit Your Child In The Long Run

There are many other benefits to exposing your child to a second language at an early age. Bilingual children tend to score higher on tests of cognitive ability and critical thinking than their monolingual peers, tending to be more flexible thinkers, and reasonably able to solve problems creatively. So if you're looking for a way to give your child a leg up in life, teaching them a second language is a great place to start.

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10 Languages To Teach Your Children

Young kids have so much to learn about the world around them. The first place they start is by becoming fluent in their native language. Although it’s great to know one language on an expert level, kids stand to gain positive neurological benefits like memory retention from learning a second language. Give your family the gift of improved communication by considering these languages to teach your children before they graduate from elementary school.

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10 Things To Do With Your Toddler: Fun Activities To Stimulate Learning

Take a walk with your child and ask her to pick out her favorite tree along the way. Explain that while no one can really own a tree, she can have this tree to take special care of. Tell your child that she must get to know the tree by studying its bark. Do this by making a bark rubbing drawing using a piece of paper and some crayons. When the tree leaves start to fall off in autumn, do the same with some of the leaves (rubbing drawings). You can find more ideas to stimulate learning here

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5 Fun Ways To Spend Your Downtime

Your downtime is important. This is some of the only time in your life that you have complete and utter control over, which is why you need to be sure you spend it in the best way possible. There is a good chance that you have a long list of things you want to learn and do. Well, your downtime is the best time for you to get involved with those kinds of desires. Regardless of what it is you want to do, the best way to learn and start making progress is by starting now, which is why this article has a handful of suggestions on how you should be spending your downtime.

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5 Cool Things You Can Learn To Do Through YouTube

Looking for something to do on those long, dark winter days? Thank heavens for YouTube! But instead of wasting your time watching videos of funny cats, why not take the opportunity to learn something different instead? You can learn how to do all kinds of things through online tutorials - making you an expert in no time. Here are five cool things you can learn to do through YouTube to get you through the winter.

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Ways to Share Knowledge And Receive New Language Skills

The greatest benefit from living in our times is that we can share information or knowledge easier than our grandparents could. However, many people question their language skills and fluency level. Usually, it stops them from interacting with other learners. Hence, they mistakenly postpone speaking practice which predetermines sharing until they get enough background. Fortunately, there are always ways to begin a good talk even if you are a beginner.

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