Posts tagged laser treatments
What Should You Do Before And After Laser Skin Resurfacing To Maximize Your Results?

For anyone looking for an effective way to reverse the effects of aging on the skin, providers will often recommend laser skin resurfacing. This energy-based treatment can make a person look years younger and create a healthier, more attractive appearance. As we go through life, the effects of aging, the environment, and our own lifestyle choices take a toll on our skin’s appearance. Sometimes the skin can look lackluster, and no amount of topical products are enough to effectively restore a healthy glow. Laser skin resurfacing is a facial rejuvenation treatment designed to correct minor flaws that at-home treatments can’t touch. The light-based strategy is highly effective for reducing wrinkles, scars, and blemishes.

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What Are The Benefits Of HALO™ Laser Treatments?

As we get older, our facial skin inevitably changes as the body produces less collagen—one of the main proteins that keeps your skin strong and supple when you’re young. Skin also becomes drier and less elastic, and we lose fat and muscle density in the face. Eventually, skin begins to sag in the cheekbone areas and around the jawline as gaunt areas develop on the cheeks and temples. Additionally, our skin is continually damaged by cumulative exposure to sunlight, weather changes, and our everyday habits.

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