Posts tagged medical records
What Is Overpayment In Medical Billing? Here's How To Recover

Overpayment in the context of healthcare usually involves physicians, specialists, and/or any other health service providers. However, even if you are at the other end of the line (as a patient), it can still affect you as much as it affects them. With that said, we cover some of the things you should know about overpayment in medical billing, how to spot it, report it, and even recover from it.

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Checklist of Records To Gather After A Car Accident

After a car accident happens, your health and the state of your vehicle are likely to be your immediate concerns. That makes sense and is perfectly understandable, but you should also be concerned about who caused the accident and the expenses caused by the accident. If the accident was not your fault, then you have the right to file an injury claim against the insurance company of the at-fault party. That injury claim should contain the accident details as well as the expenses caused by the accident. That also means that there are important documents and records that should be included in the injury claim if you want to increase the chances of getting the compensation you deserve

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