Things To Do For Your Kids When They Leave Home

It only feels like yesterday you were bringing them home and raising from small infants into the wonderful young person standing in front of you now. You’ve been there for the highs, the lows. You’ve taught them to walk and talk. You taught them how to drive and now they have all these skills you’ve taught and they are taking that massive leap into independence. 

But, as you will already know, parenting does not stop there. They will always be your baby and you will want to help and support them as much as you can. Here are some ways you can do that. 

Help With Their Car

A big part of gaining independence is learning how to drive. Once this is mastered the next part is actually being to use this skill. Buying a car can be expensive and depending on the path they have chosen it may not always be affordable. This is where you, as a super parent, can support them. 

The support offered will vary depending upon your own financial circumstances, but where possible, you could always look to buy them a vehicle and insure it, or alternatively insure them on your vehicle. This way you show that you have faith in their capabilities and providing them with the physical ability to go places on their own. 

When considering getting them a car or even allowing them to use yours, it is important that before the keys are handed over you input details of your roadside recovery or give them the details of a towing company.

Support Them When Moving Out

As a parent it can be so easy to want to wrap them in cotton wool and keep within the safety of the 4 walls they have called home. However, there will come the day they set up house elsewhere. This could be leaving and heading to college or getting their first ever apartment or house. Either way, the best thing you can do is help with this. Although it is bitter sweet, it is an exciting time for them and having your support you will reinforce that they have your support along with giving them reassurance that you are there for everything. 

Top tips to help with this would be to get the cardboard boxes out, find those marker pens and tape and out on their favourite playlist and get stuck in with packing. Not only does this ensure that they don’t leave their unwanted items behind but it allows more quality family time right until the end. 

Of course when the time does come and they take that step over the threshold into the wide world, remember it is not the end of your parenting relationship it is just an adjustment to it. The bond you have spent years investing into will remain and will continue to grow stronger and change as they enter into adulthood. If anything the bond will grow into a solid friendship as well as that of parent.