Your Family Could Benefit From Having An Attorney - Here's Why

When a legal tussle finds you unprepared, it can easily escalate into more problems if you do not get timely legal counsel. Most people rush to find a lawyer when they get into a mess.  

Unfortunately, making decisions such as hiring a lawyer under duress is never a good idea because you risk making the wrong choice. 

The only way to ensure you do not make such mistakes is to have a lawyer on call. Most people view having a lawyer on call as a preserve of the wealthy, but it could benefit virtually everyone, you included.

How to Get a Lawyer on Call

The most common way of getting a lawyer on call is hiring them on a retainer basis. Having a lawyer on retainer means you enter into a contract with them by either paying a regular sum of money (frequent use model) or a lump sum (retainer fee model) in exchange for their availability as stipulated in the contract.  

This option is the most preferred option for persons or families that frequently get into legal tussles for any reason. 

Ideally, the lawyer you enter into a retainer agreement with must be affiliated with a reputable law firm that has local offices in your region. For example, if you live in San Antonio, you may want lawyers from a reputable local law firm such as Wyatt Law Firm to handle all your legal tussles.

Benefits of Having an Attorney

Speedy Access to Legal Help

Having access to legal counsel within reach at all times is the most apparent reason for having a family lawyer on call. If your family deals with constant legal tussles, having a lawyer on retainer can help you get timely answers to any legal questions.  

Some legal issues may be time-sensitive. You may not have the time to pick the right lawyer for your case when they occur. With your attorney on call, no legal challenge can find you unprepared.

They Will Have a Better Understanding of Your Situations

When hiring a lawyer for a legal issue, you must bring them up to speed with your situation. If you get a different lawyer every time you get a legal challenge, you will need to give each of them a background of your legal situation.  

On the other hand, you do not need to introduce your legal situation if you have only had one lawyer for all your legal needs. They will understand your situation more deeply based on their history working with you. A good understanding of your legal situation can help ensure that you get consistent results.

Help to Stay Away From Trouble

If you are a business person or a high net worth individual, trouble always seems to find you. Sometimes trouble could result from mistakes you make or other people looking to cash in on your money.  

It is impossible to eliminate the chances of getting in trouble, but having a lawyer can help you identify areas that could cause trouble and help you steer clear. Common areas that could result in trouble include liability lawsuits and trouble with the taxman.

They Can Act as a Mediator in Your Absence

Everything could run smoothly as long as you are around. However, there is no guarantee that things could still run as smoothly in your absence in the unfortunate event of death or mental incapacitation. 

If you can't confide your wishes to the family, your lawyer can be your trusted confidant on matters of the administration and division of your estate after you are gone. If you leave a written will with them, they can act as a mediator should differences arise.