4 Quick Workouts That Won’t Get In The Way Of Your Day

The thing that has been the hardest during this quarantine for a lot of dads is balancing work and their kids, forget about trying to make time for your fitness regime. Now that gyms and sports leagues are shut down for the time being, it has killed the motivation and routine for a lot of dads trying to keep some degree of physical health. Personally, sports and playing hockey in particular are the outlet I rely on for both recreation and physical fitness, so I’ve had to search for different ways to achieve my goals.

The link between exercise and mental health has been firmly proven, so your physical fitness is something that cannot not be ignored especially during these challenging times. In this article, we are going to break down 5 quick and easy workouts that require no equipment and will take up under 30 minutes of your day!


1. The Plank

Obviously, everyone has heard of the plank and its benefits, so we’re going to reiterate this one right of the bat. Planking the easiest workout to do almost anywhere, and it is also one of the best calorie burning exercises because it keeps multiple muscle groups engaged at the same time. After ripping off a few sets of planks, you will be feeling the burn in your shoulders, abdomen, hamstrings, and even your calves. It also has a multitude of benefits including improved flexibility, better balance, and increased core strength.

The maximum time you want to plank for in a day is 10 minutes, anything more you risk a potential injury. The goal should be to work your way up to a 120 second plank, and if you’re just starting out it’s going to take a while to get there. I recommend doing 5 sets a day of maximum duration, as long as you can hold it each time with a 30 second rest in between each set. I do my sets of planks as soon as I get up in the morning, to get the blood pumping and it’s a quick way to jump start your day.


2. The Push Up

The most effective workouts are the most basic, and the push up is about as simple as it gets. We’ve all done one or two in our day, but why is it that we’re so reluctant to bang out 50 push ups at home? Let me give you a hint, when done correctly they’re hard and they work almost every muscle group in your body while also improving your cardio. The benefits of push ups include strengthened shoulders, core, and even increased testosterone.

So how do you do an effective push up workout? Set a reasonable daily goal and hit it. Every. Single. Day. That could be all at once or spread out during the day if you’re just working your way back into it. At the start of quarantine, I set out a goal of doing 200 push ups every single day. The first few days It would take me 5-6 sets to hit that number, but I continually improved and am currently able to do it in 3 sets. Depending on my day, I’ll do all 200 in one 10-minute session, or I’ll spread my sets out during the day whenever I have a chance. I promise you, after two weeks of doing push ups every day you’ll feel the difference, and you’ll start to see it as well! While this may sound daunting, this is extremely satisfying and will surely help to improve your mood.

3. Squat Jumps

The first two exercises hit the upper body, now we’re going to talk about a dynamic exercise that targets your quads and hamstrings. The jump squat is similar to a regular squat, but we crank it up a notch and get you jumping as high in the air as you can when you come of the squat. The goal is also not to land hard on your feet, you want to cushion your body weight and go right down into the next squat. If you’re a high performance athlete or just want to improve your acceleration, this is an exercise you need in your routine.

So why do I have such a love hate relationship with squat jumps? I love them because they will have you sweating quicker than almost any other exercise, and I hate them because when you first start doing them you will feel the pain for the next few days! But, this is a positive thing and it’s the good kind of pain that makes you feel like you’re making a difference!

Every person will be different for this exercise, but you’ll want to try and complete 3 sets of 3-6 reps. These are an important exercise not to do two days in a row as they’re more intensive on your body than push ups or planks. The important thing is the mechanics, you want to keep your core engaged and back straight throughout to prevent any injuries. Also, the first few times you do these don’t push yourself too hard, as you won’t feel the true effect for a couple days.

4. High Intensity Cardio

Cardio is an extremely important thing in every fitness regime, and even if you can’t go to the gym and hit the treadmill or stationary bike for an hour there are plenty of other ways to get this in. We recommend doing quick, high-intensity cardio workouts that consist of things like sprints, hill running, or dynamic exercises like skater hops. There are tons of great dryland training drills that will help improve your overall fitness and get those endorphins flowing throughout your body.

The reason I like this style of cardio workouts is you can avoid getting into a boring routine like running 20 minutes a day, and can mix it up with a multitude of different options each day. I recommend doing 15 minutes of high intensity cardio exercises per day, and I’m a big fan of hill running. I try to run the hill close to my house 3 times a week and try to get in 5-6 reps minimum.


Wrapping It Up

There is no doubt being a father and trying to make time to work on your physical fitness is a daunting task while still tending to the families needs. We have outlined four easy exercises that you can do anywhere, for less than 30 minutes a day and still get a full body workout in! The combination of these and staying dedicated for a few weeks will have you seeing and feeling completely renewed! You’ll have more energy for the kids and you’ll start to feel your mood shift especially if you’re struggling with a mental illness. We hope you enjoyed this guide and feel free to comment your feedback!