5 Ways To Look After Your Joints As You Age

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Your joints take on a lot of pressure as you get older, but more times than not, you don’t think about them until they start hurting. It’s time to change that.

There’s no denying that aging takes its toll on your bones, muscles and joints. After all, they are what gives you support and structure throughout your whole life! However, before it's too late, it’s wise to take precautions to look after your joints. Putting in the effort now may help you out later down the line. 

Without further ado, here are five ways to look after your joints as you age…


1. Move Often 

While vigorous exercise isn’t great for aging joints, making the effort to get up and move every day might make the world of difference. 

Low impact exercises like walking, cycling and swimming provide good ways to strengthen your muscles without straining your joints. A physical therapist might even suggest strength training if you need to improve muscle strength.


2. Take Supplements Tailored To Bone Health 

Just like near enough every other part of your body, your bones and joints require support from vitamins to function normally. With this in mind, you may choose to take multivitamin supplements tailored to your age bracket to support this. 

You can also get calcium supplements to assist with joint health, as calcium is needed for essential bone health (EFSA, 2009).


3. Eat Well 

Another way to get all the nutrients your body needs is via a balanced diet. Make sure that your diet is rich in fruits and vegetables, as well as lean proteins and whole grains. While the occasional treat won’t do any harm, try to avoid processed foods and foods high in sugar, fat and salt.


4. Take Breaks When Needed 

There’s no denying that life might have to slow down a bit as you age. While it can be frustrating to get exhausted when doing simple tasks, it’s important to accept that your body has been through a lot. 

As you age, it’s important to find compromises, establishing ways to enjoy your lifestyle without damaging your joints. Take breaks when needed and give your body time to recover - especially after a particularly active day.


5. Manage Your Weight 

Some of your joints are weight-bearing, meaning the more you weigh, the more pressure they take. Due to this, it’s important to maintain a healthy weight throughout all stages of life (among many other reasons!). Maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle is the best way to keep your weight under control, but if you need extra guidance, personal trainers and nutritionists are on hand to help. 

It’s perfectly normal for your joints to weaken as you age, but taking preventative measures now may help to strengthen them in your golden years. Practise these tips on a daily basis and they will soon become second nature. Once a part of your lifestyle, you can take comfort in knowing you’re doing all you can to support your body as it ages.