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Getting Kids Involved In Playing Sports

By Guest Contributor Sandra Azar

(Image: iStock)

A lot of kids today are no longer interested in sports as a result of digital addiction. This is why dads need to step in to save the day. A lot of kids who lack physical activity have a high risk for obesity, studies have also shown that the grades of kids who are hooked with playing computer games or with using the internet have significantly lower grades than those who have other hobbies.

Getting kids involved in playing sports is very important simply because it will allow them to burn excess calories, and it can also help them grow and develop properly. Sports can also be a means for the kids to release stress and it can also easily turn into a hobby, allowing them to make use of their time doing something fun, productive, and beneficial for their health.

Here’s how you can get your kids to be involved with sports:

Be The Supportive Dad, Not The Pushy Dad

There are a lot of dads out there who want their kids to be involved with sports for all the wrong reasons. They want their kids to play a certain sport simply because he played it when he was younger. There are dads who also push their kids to excel in sports, and there are those who let their kids participate because of their own frustrations. Please, don’t be any of these dads.

As a father you need to understand that kids can sometimes get anxious when joining any sport. A lot of kids are afraid of being involved in something physical, while others are afraid of being shamed in front a lot of people. This is why if you want your kids to be involved, you will have to make sure that your child will get tons of support from you.

Ask your kids what they are interested in, and try to introduce them to a team sport. Although you can give them a gentle push towards the right direction, you will have to be patient and considerate.

Keep It Fun

(Image: iStock)

If you want your kids to be involved, start by making sure that they join a sport that they will enjoy. Kids need a motivation to be involved with any sport, and no it should not be making it to the varsity, or to the professional league. You need to make it fun for the kids, and you need to allow your children to develop the passion, drive, and love for a particular sport on their own.

Studies show that kids have fun when they are given fair playing time, when they are treated with respect by their coaches, by their teammates, and by their parents. As a matter of fact, winning, joining tournaments, and getting private coaches are not what many kids are after.

You And Your Child Should Be Committed

When your child wants to sign up, the child needs to understand that he or she has to participate for the whole season. You need to talk to your child about doing his or her responsibilities and you should also make sure that your child will stay committed to finishing the season no matter how hard it is.

Of course, you as a parent should also be committed to your child as well. If your child finds the courage to try a sport, you too should have the decency to be with your child as a sign of your love and support. Stop making excuses and find a way to attend your child’s trainings, games, and awarding ceremonies.

Never Burn Your Kid Out

It’s your kid’s first time to try a sport, not your child’s professional tryout. So just relax and focus on your child’s effort instead of wanting your child to make a point or to win the game. Although there are a lot of child prodigies in different sports, chances are, your little one will have to excel in a certain sport through his or her own hard work, and your support.

So make sure that you are always there to give your child a pat on the back if needed. Stop comparing your child to the other kids, and if you want your child to improve his or her game, you have to avoid criticizing, and you should try to make positive suggestions instead. Give your child enough room to grow and let your child take small steps towards becoming a better player.

You need to remember that if you keep complaining about his or her performance, your child will start disliking the sport, he or she will be afraid to make mistakes, and the child will feel disrespected. As a matter of fact, your child might no longer want to join in any kind of sport from here on out.


Getting your kids involved in playing sports is easy for as long as you are a dad who is fun-loving, supportive, and involved especially when it comes to your kid’s interests. You need to facilitate your kids carefully when it comes to sports, and you need to know what your child’s apprehensions and expectations are so you will know how to get your kids to be involved better.

Focus on fun and on letting your kids have a blast. Refrain from becoming a pushy dad, and try your best to be there whenever your child needs support. You need to make sure that your child enjoys the entire experience so that he or she will be more willing to try out other sports or activities in the future. 

Sandra Azar is the founder of Baby Insider. ISandra is on a mission to help new parents understand and take care of their children better. She provides useful instructions and advice for almost everything that is related to mommy and baby as well as top products every mom should own, including the best hospital grade breast pump or top pacifier for toddler.