How to Take Care of You And Your Family During Quarantine

The pandemic means that families all across America are dealing with widespread changes. Some families are dealing with job loss, limited income, and more childcare responsibilities. For children and even for yourself, it can be a very scary, nerve-wracking time. With that said, there are ways to prioritize you and your family’s self-care during this period of uncertainty. Below, we’ve gathered some ways you can help your family adjust to all the changes and the stream of incessant bad news.

Tip #1: Consider your diet

Your diet affects almost everything in your life – from how well your body functions to your risk of chronic disease. When you’re in a stressed mindset, your kids can pick up on it and become stressed as a result. One of the best ways to reduce stress is by evaluating your diet. If you tend to eat high-fat, high-salt, and high-sugar foods, your brain briefly gets a happiness boost. However, it’s quickly followed by a blood sugar crash along with a sour mood.

Instead of fast food and junk food, you may want to try taking wellness supplements and focusing on eating whole foods. Leafy greens, whole grains, and fresh fruits should be staples in your diet – not infrequent additions.

If you find that you’re struggling to cook, consider investing in a subscription box that delivers ingredients to your doorstep. Or you can get a fully-cooked meal subscription that only requires you to toss the meals into a microwave and get on your way.

Tip #2: Go outside

When you and the kids are stuck inside all day, it can create a serious case of cabin fever. As a result, you might feel irritable and easily frustrated. Instead of letting yourself be cooped up all day, plan a few local hikes or create a unique scavenger hunt that will keep your family engaged outside.

If your kids are older and capable, you may also want to sign them up for a virtual event like a 5k. Giving them a goal to work toward can make them feel motivated and accomplished.

Tip #3: Create a schedule

When you’re home all the time, suddenly, your life is a lot less structured. Kids need structure and so do most adults. To avoid losing all semblance of structure in your family life, create a schedule that you follow every single day.

Not only will this help your children adjust to their new lifestyle, but it will help you create a better work-life balance if you’re currently working from home.

Tip #4: Have a staycation

Many families have had to cancel their plans for vacation in order to stay safe from the dangers of the pandemic. You and your kids might be disappointed, but you can still have fun even if you don’t leave the house.

For example, if you have a backyard, you can set up a few tents and hammocks for a backyard campout. You can also transform your living room into a giant pillow fort and have a movie night. Just invest in a nice projector and you’re set!

Tip #5: Make art

Instead of letting your kids play video games or allowing them to spend their lives on TikTok, consider looking up a few arts and crafts projects. Set up a small art studio where kids can get messy. Then, try out an easy craft like acrylic pouring. Or, create a macramé wall hanging. After your kids create their art projects, you can display them in the living room and pretend you’re opening an art gallery. You might want to visit sites where you can Paint by Numbers to create quick stunning art pieces. You can even have a pretend auction to buy the art pieces they create!

Takeaways: Keeping your family calm and happy during the pandemic

Kids are resilient but that doesn’t mean that change can’t be scary. When you’re trying to take care of yourself and your family during the pandemic, you might feel a little overwhelmed. However, by being flexible and helping your kids adjust to change, you can ensure that your kids stay calm and happy. And don’t forget about taking care of yourself, either. Give yourself adequate breaks and make sure you’re sleeping and eating well. With these tips, you can make it through the pandemic with a cool, calm, and collected mindset!