Make Your Workout A Natural Part Of Your Day

Staying in top shape as a dad can be tricky. As you age, your metabolism slows down. So, if you are not able to make time 3 to 5 times a week for a regular workout, it's likely to affect your health in many ways:

  • Loss of flexibility, mobility, or agility

  • Feeling less energized

  • Getting out of shape

  • Potential muscle loss too (especially if you were a regular at the gym before)

  • Weaker immune system

Well, it's all nice and dandy, but the true problem dads have has got nothing to do with not realizing that working out is important for their health. You know it very well, indeed. But making time between work and the family is no easy task. So here are some handy tips to help you integrate physical activities into your daily life more easily. 

Make it a game with the kids

As a dad, you are probably torn between me-time at the gym and spending quality time with your children. But what if you made your weekly workouts an opportunity to bond with them? Playing baseball together, for example, can be a fantastic full-body workout that benefits both of you. Young children can develop their motor skills and coordination, while the cardio exercise does your body good. Basketball, soccer (not necessarily American football, which requires protective equipment), handball, volleyball, and tennis are also some fun alternatives to play with your children. 

Make it part of your day-to-day commute

Not everyone can safely ditch the car or public transport when going to the office. But if you can replace your automotive commute with cycling, for instance, you could rapidly improve your cardiovascular health and boost your metabolism. For long journeys or elevated terrain, you may want to have a look at electric bicycles for sale, as they're going to make it easier for you. The last thing you need is to arrive at work, drenched in sweat and needing a shower. Unfortunately, when you turn your commute into daily exercise, it can be a recurring problem. Solutions such as electric bicycles and using cycling gear will smooth out the transition between the sporty morning and your office job. 

Try early morning workoutsI

If you are the kind of person who barely has time for themselves in the morning, here's a little tip that will change your life. Try setting up your alarm clock 60 to 90 minutes earlier. Once you get passed to the first shock — yes, it's going to be really early — the extra time can allow you to focus on yourself without affecting your family relationships. Some dads choose to go for an early run or ride before breakfast. You will need to invest in high-visibility gear and seasonal outfits for the cold months. Alternatively, you can set up your own gym in the garage with a rack of weights and a bench. You don't need a lot of equipment to make it work. All you need is a little motivation! 

As a dad, staying in shape can be challenging as you try to make time for your family and career. But, sacrificing workouts is never the right approach. Working out is not selfish. It is essential to keep you strong and healthy and give your children a dad they can rely on for many years. So, hopefully, this article can give you a few ideas on integrating physical activities into your day-to-day life.