Posts tagged Workout
Make Your Workout A Natural Part Of Your Day

Staying in top shape as a dad can be tricky. As you age, your metabolism slows down. So, if you are not able to make time 3 to 5 times a week for a regular workout, it's likely to affect your health in many ways. Well, it's all nice and dandy, but the true problem dads have has got nothing to do with not realizing that working out is important for their health. You know it very well, indeed. But making time between work and the family is no easy task. So here are some handy tips to help you integrate physical activities into your daily life more easily.

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Age Like A Good Wine: Don't Age With A Good Whine

Uh yes, dadhood. The next step up from adulthood, dadhood is an entirely new experience. Any aging you’d previously experienced will be accelerated through stress, stress and more stress. Kids are great, and I don’t want you to misquote me on that. However, they do have a tendency to make our hair grey and...

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From Dad Bod To Rad Bod: Ways To Get Fit And Healthy

We’ve all been there. That moment when you look in the mirror and gasp audibly at yourself. Or you catch sight of yourself with the biggest paunch you’ve had for a long while. It’s not good, but it’s sobering. You need to get back in shape, and not just for yourself...

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How Men Can Remain Healthy And Sexually Active In Middle Age

This article offers seven tips for maintaining good physical and sexual health into and beyond middle age. In order, advice is offered on smoking, the prostate, exercise, muscle mass, stress and depression, diet, and sex.

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