SARMs: Dangerous Workout Fad, Or New Scientific Breakthrough?

So, I am a fitness trainer, and I have seen many things throughout the years. Some things are positive, some are negative. However, I have always had a certain interest in things unknown. It just so happens that there are many people out there that I train, they give it their all. But their all, just doesn't seem to cut it. This is because they want more. They strive for this excellence every day. Because I know enough about supplements, steroids, and some of the best SARMs out there, that I am able to make suggestions to them that enable them to achieve their fitness goals.

Now, I am not implying that I would ever recommend anabolic steroids. My position on this issue is firm. I am completely against them for various reasons. This is because the risks heavily outweigh the benefits in my opinion. Because of that, I would never feel right about recommending such a damaging substance to anyone's body. I would hate to hold someone having a stroke over my own head because I told them to get anabolic steroids. That is just not my goal.

I help people to be the best that they can be. And because of the struggles I see, I can send them in the right direction. In my opinion, supplements don't really take people as far as they want to go to get the body that they desire. However, SARMs on the other hand, are very beneficial to our bodies. 

In this post, my goal is to go over exactly what SARMs are, and what kinds of benefits you can expect from taking them. Plus, by the end of this, you will know exactly where you need to go to get your hands on some of the best SARMs out there.

What Are SARMs?

SARMs stands for selective androgen receptor modulators. SARMs are similar to steroids. However, they are not exactly the same. They belong to a class of drugs that are called androgen receptor ligands. They have the same effects as androgenic drugs. However, they are much more selective in their nature. This, in turn, allows them to be used for many other ailments as well.

So, basically, they work by attaching to your androgen receptors which in turn, triggers the muscle to grow. The effects are similar to that of testosterone. This is because SARMs mimic testosterone.

What Good Will SARMs Do?

Clearly, the popularity of SARMs in the bodybuilding and fitness world is growing. From my own personal experience with SARMs, I can tell you that they will help you build muscle without experiencing any of the side effects that come from steroids.

In fact, in early clinical studies, SARMs are showing that they do indeed build lean muscle mass and boost your strength. It is important to note that SARMs possess the ability to stimulate muscle and bone growth.

With SARMs, you can expect:

●     Advance Lean Muscle Growth

●     Improve Athletic Performance

●     Progress Strength Gains

●     Promote Fat Loss

What Are the Best SARMs?

It is easy to see that SARMs lead to an increase in muscle mass, greater bone density, and much quicker recovery time. But what are the best SARMs out there? I'm going to name a couple that is my personal favorites. However, I must be clear when I tell you that all SARMs are different. This is because they all have different benefits, strengths, and weaknesses. So, depending on what effect you are looking for, it will depend on which SARM is right for you.

1) Ostarine MK-2866

I personally feel that Ostarine provides many benefits. These benefits include gaining significant muscle mass and enhancing performance. MK-2866 is actually very well-known in the world of SARMs. Ostarine is also undergoing research for its advancements in muscle wasting diseases. When I do a cycle of MK-2866, I gain lean muscle mass and my bones become stronger. I do not experience any hormonal imbalance. Plus, my doctor says my cholesterol is the lowest its ever been. This part is great for me because I suffer from hyperlipidemia. My cycle on Ostarine is 12-weeks long. I take 25mg per day during these cycles. By the end of the cycle, I will gain 8lb of lean muscle mass.

2) Testolone RAD-140

Next up, we have RAD-140. Now, I must say that this SARM is very beneficial to me. When I do a cycle with RAD-140, I feel an increase in my stamina. This, of course, leads to an increase in my energy levels. It does all of this, plus, it increases my lean muscle mass. You will begin to feel the effects of Testolone around 1 to 2 weeks after you begin taking it. As for beginners, they should take 10mg per day for 8 weeks. However, if you are experienced like me, then you can take 20mg per day for 8 weeks. And within 2 to 4 weeks of your cycle, you will definitely see your strength skyrocket. It is important to note that you will require a PCT (Post Cyclic Therapy) afterward.

3) Ligandrol LGD-4033

Finally, we have LGD-4033. This SARM is quite possibly one of the most potent on the market today. Research is showing that it improves recovery with things such as hip fractures. With LGD-4033, when I do a cycle of it, I notice an increase in my lean muscle mass as well as an increase in my strength. I experience fat loss. I also notice that my recovery time comes along much quicker. Generally, overall, I get a sense of great well being when I cycle this SARM. My cycle lasts for 6 weeks. My daily dose is 20mg during the cycle.

Where to Get the Best SARMs

I hope you are now beginning to wonder where you should go to get your SARMs. These are a staple in the bodybuilding community and with good reason. When looking to get SARMs, you should always look for a vendor that provides third-party testing. Plus, they should definitely list the test results on their website. This will allow you to decide for yourself what particular SARM interests you.

It will also provide the evidence of its potency. For me, personally, when I'm looking for the best SARMs, there is only one choice for me. This company encompasses all of these features. is the only LEGIT SARMs provider I know. Whether you are working on a bulking cycle, or a cutting cycle, SwoleAFLabs is the place to get your high-quality SARMs.