Sleep Strategies: 5 Ways To Help Your Newborn Sleep Better

As a new parent, you quickly learn that a good night's sleep can be hard to come by. Newborns have very different sleep needs and patterns than older babies and toddlers, which can leave you feeling exhausted.

But don't worry – there are some simple, science-backed strategies you can use to help your little one get the quality rest they need. Try implementing these five tips, and you may just find your family getting more shut-eye.

1. Establish a Consistent Bedtime Routine

Start by creating a simple, relaxing bedtime routine that shows your baby when it's time to wind down and sleep. This might include a bath, gentle massage, lullaby, and nursing or bottle-feeding. To make nursing more comfortable, consider investing in an organic breastfeeding pillow. These ergonomic supports can help you and your baby get cozy, promoting a relaxing, soothing feeding experience.

Complete these activities in the same order and around the same time each night. Newborns thrive on routine and predictability. Over time, your baby will associate these cues with sleepiness, making it easier for them to fall asleep independently.

2. Keep the Environment Sleep-Friendly

The nursery plays a big role in how well your newborn sleeps. Ideally, you want to keep the room cool, quiet, and dark. These conditions mimic the womb and can trigger your baby's natural sleep-wake cycle.

Use blackout curtains or blinds to block out sunlight, and consider using a white noise machine to muffle disruptive sounds. Dress bubs in breathable clothing to protect them from overheating. Keep the room at a comfortable temperature of between 68-72°F.

Avoid over-stimulating activities like playtime right before bedtime. Instead, focus on relaxing, soothing activities to help your little one transition into sleep.

3. Watch for Sleepy Cues

Learning to recognize your child’s "sleepy cues" can help you get them down for a nap or bedtime before they become overtired and have a harder time settling.

Common signs of sleepiness in newborns include:

  • Yawning

  • Rubbing eyes

  • Fussiness

  • Sucking on fingers or hands

  • Staring off into the distance

When you notice these cues, act quickly and put your baby down for a nap or bedtime. 

4. Try Calming Techniques

Newborns can have a hard time self-soothing and settling into sleep. Fortunately, there are some gentle techniques you can use to calm and soothe your little one, such as gentle rocking, swaying, or bouncing.

You can also try shushing, humming, or singing softly to create a hypnotic, calming effect. Some babies also respond well to being wrapped snugly in a blanket, which can mimic the comfort of the womb.

If your newborn is struggling, you could try using a pacifier, offering skin-to-skin contact, or using organic baby oil to gently massage their skin. These techniques can activate your baby's natural calming reflexes and promote restful sleep.

5. Be Patient and Consistent

Newborn sleep patterns can change daily, so what works one night may not work the next. The key is to be patient, flexible, and consistent. Stick with your calming bedtime routine, even if it takes some time for your little one to get the hang of it. 

With time and consistency, your newborn will gradually develop the ability to fall asleep independently and sleep for longer stretches. Hang in there, and trust that you're doing the best for your baby.

Getting enough high-quality sleep is so important for a newborn's growth and development. By implementing these strategies, you can help your little one get the rest they need to thrive. Just don't forget to take care of yourself as well – your well-being is equally crucial.