Unplugging: How To Disconnect And Get Better Sleep

It’s no secret that technology can be overwhelming, especially when trying to wind down and get a good night’s rest. But how do we unplug from our devices and create an environment where we can relax? Let’s look at five strategies to help us disconnect and get better sleep. 

1. Establish a Cutoff Time

The most crucial step in unplugging is setting a specific time to turn off your devices daily. This could be 10 minutes before you go to bed or even an hour or two earlier if you need more time to unwind. It might feel like a challenge at first, but the more you stick with it, the easier it will become. 

One of the benefits of setting a cutoff time is that it can help you create healthy sleep habits. When you consistently turn off your devices at the same hour each night, it becomes easier to fall asleep and stay asleep. You might also want to use the best caffeine pill options such as Vali caffeine plus l-theanine supplements, L-theanine is known to alleviate anxiety and can promote relaxation. Similar to the caffeine blend. This supplement supports relaxed energy without jitters.

2. Create an Unplugging Space

Designate a specific part of your home as an “unplugged zone” where all electronic devices are banned (including phones, TVs, computers, etc.). Taking this one step further, you can also make a habit of leaving your phone in another room while you sleep. That way, there won't be any distractions or temptations when it's time for bed.  

One of the main challenges with unplugging is resisting the urge to check our devices. To help prevent this, try disabling notifications and turning off all non-essential apps when you’re not using them. This will limit distractions during your designated unplugged time, giving you more freedom to relax.  

3. Find New Ways To Relax

Instead of scrolling through social media or watching TV shows late at night, find other ways to relax and permit yourself to take some “me time” before bedtime. Activities such as reading books (non-electronic ones!), taking leisurely walk outside, and journaling/reflecting on your day—are all great alternatives that can help calm your mind before turning it in for the night. 

Additionally, you can benefit from light activities such as yoga or stretching exercises to help lull your body into a more relaxed state. And don’t forget simple breathing exercises—they can be very effective in helping clear your head and lower stress levels. 

 4. Make Sleep A Priority

We often tend to remember just how important quality sleep is for our overall health and well-being. Try setting realistic goals for yourself—such as getting 7-8 hours of sleep each night—and commit to following those goals no matter what.

For example, if you work late and have to go to bed afterward, set your alarm for 7 am the next day or earlier—this will help ensure that you don’t oversleep and miss out on valuable rest. 

5. Practice Mindfulness

Practicing mindfulness can be beneficial too! Mindful activities such as yoga or meditation can help us focus on being present in the moment without thinking about past events or worrying about future concerns that may prevent us from sleeping well at night. 

Additionally, it can be helpful to focus on positive affirmations, such as “I am relaxed and at peace” or “I am in control of my thoughts and emotions.” These statements can help us stay present and focused on the here and now.


Technology has made our lives easier in many ways; however, it has also created a 24/7 world with endless distractions that often prevent us from getting restful sleep each night. By establishing specific cutoff times for using technology before bedtime, creating an unplugging space in your home, finding new ways to relax (that don't involve electronics), prioritizing sleep over other activities when possible, and practicing mindfulness techniques—all of these steps will help us disconnect from our devices so we can enjoy better quality rest! So why wait? Start unplugging today!