Becoming A Better Dad: 7 Tips And Advice For Dads

All dads want to be there for their kids. They want to be their hero, play a significant role in their lives and influence their upbringing. However, because fatherhood can be complicated, achieving such goals can be as hard as running on ice barefooted.

Considering this big challenge most dads face, we have decided to highlight a few helpful tips designed to make any dad better at fatherhood. If you are a dad, these tips and advice will help you win your children's affection and influence their lives positively.

 Let’s begin with the first tip.


1. Spend enough time with them

This is where most dads get it wrong. They get so engaged with work and other things that they forget about their kids. "After all, it is the job of the mother to cater to the kids", some dads will say. However, the truth remains that parenting is a job for both dads and moms.

Spending quality time with your kids is a big way to show them how much you care. It is also another way to have a huge influence on their lives. If work is so hectic that it eats a huge chunk of your time, you can schedule weekends for some little bonding with your kids. Don't just ignore them based on " work stress", as doing so will affect that father and child relationship, which is a very important factor in the upbringing of your child.


2. Respect your mother’s children

Because mothers hold a significant place in children's hearts, as a father, it is important to shower them with respect. If you are married, then you should ensure that your marriage is strong and healthy. Take out time, probably once or twice a week, to work on this relationship and keep it glowing.

If you are single, like most people, it is still crucial that you respect and support the mother of your children. A father and mother who respects each other and ensures that it is visible to their kids provide a secure aura for the children.


3. Listen first, talk second.

Some fathers are fond of talking to their children only when they get into trouble. They call them into their rooms or study chambers and either scold them verbally or dish out a word of advice to them. For this reason, many children may cringe when their mother says, "Your father wants to speak with you."

To avoid this, you need to take time to listen to your children's ideas, including their problems. Giving your children your listening ears helps them feel valued, respected and understood. Start listening and interacting with your kids when they are tender, so tough subjects are easier to manage when they grow older.


4. Discipline with love

Because children are young and ignorant, the chances of them making mistakes are high. When these mistakes happen, you mustn't lash out at them like they are some sort of criminal. Instead, discipline them with love. Call them over, talk to them and provide them with reasons why their action is unacceptable. If you must punish them, then do so with love and not anger.


5. Read to your children.

In a world where children spend a huge chunk of their time focusing on screens, it is crucial that fathers try to read to their children. Doing so should not only enhance the vocabulary of your children but increase their knowledge as well.

You can grab an informational book and read its contents while giving them the room to ask questions. You can as well get spiritual a little by reading some topics of LDS lesson plans. Remember to always summarize whatever you read, so they fully understand. Also, aside from reading to them, you can as well encourage them to read on their own.

Helping your children inculcate the habit of reading is one of the best ways to raise their emotional intelligence and ensure they have a lifetime of growth.


6. Be a role model

We all have role models that we often look up to. Mothers have role models; fathers do, including children. While there are many potential role models out there for your kids, wouldn't it make sense if they made you, their father, their first role model? Of course, it would! And the best way to do that is by spending quality time with your kids while exhibiting characters they would love to emulate.

As a father, you can teach your son what is important in life by showcasing traits of honesty, humility, and responsibility. These are traits you would want your child to build their lives on.


7. Eat together

Eating together is a much-underrated act that boasts of several benefits. Aside from its potential to improve the parent-child relationship, sharing breakfast, lunch, or dinner  can also give kids a sense of stability and connectedness.

In fact, based on studies, children younger than 13 who often eat meals with their families showcase lesser behavioral issues. Furthermore, mealtime is always the perfect opportunity for dads, who are often busy, to get to listen to their child and learn one or two things about how their day went or futuristic plans.


8. Show affection

As a father, it is important that you show affection to your kids. Show them that they are wanted, accepted, and loved by you. You could showcase your affection for your kids by hugging them, buying them gifts, taking them out, telling them how much you love them, and giving them quality attention. Doing these daily is the best way to let your kids know that you cherish them.



Mothers and fathers each have different roles to play in the life of a kid. When one fails, the result is often evident in the behavior of the child. So, as a father, while you strive to cater to your child's needs, you must also strive to become a better dad. Doing so should enhance that father to child bond, which is crucial in every child's upbringing.