Posts tagged skin health
How To Address Stress When It’s Impacting Your Skin

While the effects of injectables like BOTOX® always eventually wear off, there are some elements and situations that can cause its effects to fade even more quickly, so it can be helpful to be aware of what to avoid when you want your smoother skin to last as long as possible. Your skin is routinely impacted by external stressors like UV rays, and there are also numerous internal factors, such as the impacts of stress, that create problems.

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Can Exercising Actually Improve Your Skin?

Reports have shown that a significant percentage of Americans aren’t getting enough exercise - over 15% of people are physically inactive for all states. Aside from sculpting your body, getting radiant, clear skin is another, lesser-known reason to motivate yourself to hit the gym if you find yourself procrastinating. Exercise isn’t only beneficial for maintaining a stable weight and lowering the risk of serious illnesses like diabetes; doctors believe that working out regularly can also improve the general health of your skin and its appearance.

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Which Skin Treatments Are Good For Hyperpigmentation?

The winter months are ideal for undoing a lot of the damage your skin accumulates during the earlier half of the year, while also preparing your skin to look its best during photos and get-togethers (even virtual ones!) when the holidays come around. If you spent a lot of time outside during the summer months or tend to be prone to discoloration, hyperpigmentation might be a concern you wish you could improve. Hyperpigmentation is what happens when your skin produces an excess amount of melanin in certain areas due to exposure to sunlight or other causes, creating darker blotches that make your tone look uneven.

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Which Cosmetic Treatments Improve The Tone And Texture Of Skin?

If you want to enhance the overall look and feel of your skin, you can get good results from collagen-induction treatments like microneedling. Together with ongoing skincare at home, professional light-based treatments, peels, and skin rejuvenation techniques are usually the best ways of adding some more glow to your complexion. Here’s what you should know about several treatment options

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